Graduated nurse

Recognition procedure

The practice of certain health professions – professions de santé – is subject, in accordance with the amended law of 26 March 1992 on the exercise and upgrading of certain health professions – loi modifiée du 26 mars 1992 sur l’exercice et la revalorisation de certaines professions de santé –, to an authorisation to practise by the Ministry of Health – ministère de la Santé.

In some cases, the professional recognition of the diploma by the ministry of Research and Higher Eductation – ministère de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement supérieur – is a prerequisite for obtaining the authorisation to practise:

Please note:

Professional recognition serves only the purpose of obtaining access to a regulated profession. It does not confer a right to use an academic title and does not provide information on the level of the Luxembourg Qualifications Framework – cadre luxembourgeois des qualifications (CLQ). For more information on registration in the Register of formal higher education qualifications and related recognition criteria, please see the Academic recognition section.

Application for professional recognition

The application for professional recognition must be filed to the MESR along with the following supporting documents:

  • the application form duly completed and signed (for applications submitted by regular mail only);
  • a copy of the evidence of formal qualifications (diploma, certificate, diploma supplement, etc.);*
  • official proof of professional experience, if existing (copy of the employment contract, attestation by the employer, etc.);*
  • official proof of legal establishment or professional recognition in one or more Member States of the European Union, if existing (copy of the authorisation to practise, decision on equivalence, document certifying membership of a professional order, etc.);*
  • a copy of an identity document;
  • a copy of the valid residence permit for Luxembourg (applies to applicants who are not nationals of a Member State of the European Union or of a Member State of the European Economic Area or of the Swiss Confederation);
  • proof of payment of the fee: debit note/bank statement (for applications submitted by regular mail only. Online applications include payment by credit card);
  • if applicable, any other useful document.*

* Documents in the original language must be accompanied by a sworn translation into English, French, German or Luxembourgish, if the original language is different: List of sworn translators, by the Ministry of Justice – ministère de la Justice.

The application can be submitted:

  • online, on

  • or by regular mail, sending the form together with the supporting documents to the following address:

Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche
18-20, montée de la Pétrusse
L-2327 Luxembourg

The fee of EUR 75 per diploma must be paid, for online applications on, by credit card when submitting the application. Applications sent by regular mail must contain the debit note/bank statement of the transfer to the following account:

IBAN: LU36 0019 5955 4436 2000

Name of beneficiary: Administration de l’enregistrement, des domaines et de la TVA
Communication: Taxe reconnaissance des diplômes, MESR, [name of applicant], [date of application].

A decision to refuse recognition does not entitle to a refund of the fee.

Course of procedure

After examination of the application for recognition, the decision is communicated by regular mail:

  • direct recognition
  • decision granting compensatory measures
  • refusal of recognition

Direct recognition

In the case of a direct recognition, the application for the authorisation to practise the profession must be filed to the Ministry of Health – ministère de la Santé.

Decision granting compensatory measures

The decision granting compensatory measures is based on the finding of substantial differences between, on the one hand, the theoretical knowledge and the practical skills acquired by the applicant, and, on the other hand, the professional profile of the profession in question as defined by Luxembourg law.

Professional recognition is therefore conditional on the successful completion of either an aptitude test or an adaptation period, in order to bridge the differences between the applicant’s qualifications and the profession in question in Luxembourg.

The details of the adaptation period and the aptitude test are set out in the letter notifying the decision to impose compensatory measures. The means of appeal are also explained in the above-mentioned letter, but are available under the heading Means of appeal as well.

After obtaining professional recognition following the successful completion of the compensatory measures, the application for the authorisation to practise the profession in question must be filed to the Ministry of Health – ministère de la Santé.

Refusal of recognition

In the event of a decision refusing professional recognition, the means of appeal are explained in the letter notifying the decision, but are also available under the heading Means of appeal.

Please note:

Any exercise of a regulated health profession without prior authorisation to practise issued by the Ministry of Health constitutes an illegal exercise and is punishable by law, even if the professional recognition of the qualifications has already been obtained from the MESR.

Aptitude test

This section applies only to applicants who have already received a decision granting compensatory measures. If you have not yet applied for recognition, please refer to the information in the Recognition procedure section. Only candidates who have received a decision granting compensatory measures may register for an aptitude test. 

The next aptitude test related to the health professions will take place: 

  • 27 April 2024
  • 21 September 2024 (registration deadline: August 29, 2024)

Forum Geesseknäppchen
(multi-purpose hall, ground floor)
40, bd. Pierre Dupong
L-1430 Luxembourg

The arrangements for the aptitude test can be found in the Grand Ducal Regulation of 17 February 2017 on the recognition of professional qualifications – règlement grand-ducal du 17 février 2017 relatif à la reconnaissance des qualifications professionnelles - (in particular articles 2 and 4 thereof).

Registration for one of the compensatory measures requires the prior payment of the participation fee of EUR 300.

In order to ensure the smooth running of the aptitude test, the registration deadline is 15 working days before the date of the test.

To register, please send your request to participate by e-mail to with a clear indication of the profession and proof of payment of the participation fee. Payment of the fee shall be proof of registration for the aptitude test.

In the event that you no longer wish to pursue the recognition of your qualifications, please communicate your decision by e-mail to

The participation fee of EUR 300 must be paid by transfer to the following account:

IBAN: LU36 0019 5955 4436 2000

Name of beneficiary: Administration de l’Enregistrement et des Domaines
Communication: MESR, reconnaissance profession de santé, inscription épreuve d’aptitude [profession], [name of applicant], [date of application]

Examined subjects

The examined subjects are listed here.

The test takes the form of an open book examination.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

  • You can register for the aptitude test by e-mail, sending proof of payment of the 300€ fee and, if applicable, the letter with the previous results to
  • We do not have access to the list of transfers made to the Administration de l'enregistrement, des domaines et de la TVA. If you do not send us an e-mail with supporting documents, your registration will not be finalised.
  • Details of how to pay the fee can be found on our website, under the sub-heading Aptitude test.
  • To register for the aptitude test, even if it is only to retake a single module, you must pay the 300€ fee. This amount is set out in article 14 of the amended law of 28 October 2016 on the recognition of professional qualifications.
  • Registrations close 15 working days (3 calendar weeks) before the date of the test.
Examined subjects
  • The material to be studied can be downloaded from our website, under the subheading Material examined.
  • If the hyperlinks do not work, please search for the legislative text directly on
  • Always take into account potential amendments to legislative texts: "Relation" → "Modifié par".
  • No courses are organised before the aptitude test and there is no book that covers all the material to be studied.
  • An information session hosted by the MESR and attended by members of the jury is organised after the close of registration. Candidates registered for the aptitude test will be contacted by e-mail.
Organisation of the aptitude test
  • The aptitude test questions are in French and German (on request for the Head Nurse aptitude test).
  • The aptitude test is open book, except for the first part during module 1 for social workers.
  • Printed, handwritten and electronic media are permitted, with the exception of messaging systems.
  • Access to Wi-Fi and power sockets is not guaranteed at the Forum.
  • Failure to attend without providing medical evidence will result in failure of the aptitude test.
Following the first attempt
  • The results are sent by post before the summer holidays (for the spring session) and before the Christmas holidays (for the autumn session).
  • From the date of the decision (invitation to the aptitude test), you have three years and three attempts to pass all the modules in the aptitude test.
  • Within these three years, any module passed will remain valid and will not have to be retaken.
  • After three years or three attempts, the file is closed. If the applicant still wishes to obtain professional recognition, he must submit a new application and start the aptitude test all over again.

Last update