Liberal professions

The amended law of 2 September 2011 – loi modifiée du 2 septembre 2011 réglementant l'accès aux professions d'artisan, de commerçant, d'industriel ainsi qu'à certaines professions libérales – regulates access to the professions of craftsman, merchant, industrialist and certain liberal professions, and defines the respective duties.

Practice of a regulated liberal profession is subject to a business permit. Please refer to or to the the Directorate-General for Middle Classes – Direction générale des Classes moyennes – for more information.

Please find below a list of the liberal professions regulated on higher education level:

If the Directorate-General for Middle Classes finds that the completed studies and training do not meet the criteria for the direct issuance of a business permit, an application for professional recognition must be submitted to the ministry of Research and Higher Eductation – ministère de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement supérieur. An ad hoc commission will then check in detail the content of the studies and professional qualifications acquired. In this case, an application for professional recognition can be submitted online, on, or by regular mail.

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