Degrees from the BENELUX and the Baltic States

For certain higher education degrees awarded in Belgium, the Netherlands, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, academic recognition is automatic (decisions of the Benelux Committee of Ministers M(2015)3 and M(2018)1, and treaty of 14 September 2021 on the automatic recognition of higher education qualifications).

In practice, this is expressed as follows:

  • administrative procedures:
    Holders of the diplomas concerned are exempt from any administrative process aimed at academic recognition. In Luxembourg, this exemption concerns the procedure for registration in the register of formal higher education qualifications;
  • academic level (CLQ):
    The level of the diplomas concerned within the respective national qualifications framework automatically corresponds to the same level of the Luxembourg Qualifications Framework (CLQ).
    This is made possible by the alignment of the qualification frameworks of Belgium (Flemish, French, German-speaking communities), the Netherlands, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Luxembourg with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), which acts as a translation tool (e.g.: level 6 of the Dutch Qualifications Framework (NLQF) = level 6 of the EQF = level 6 of the CLQ);
  • use of the academic title:
    Holders of the degrees concerned automatically have the right to use the academic title following their name and as written on the final diploma. The field of study/specialisation may be translated (e.g.: [name of holder], Magister in History).

As a vector of European integration, automatic recognition aims to simplify administrative procedures for holders of higher education degrees, thereby facilitating the cross-border mobility of students and workers. Thus, in Luxembourg, for example, registration of degrees covered by automatic recognition in the register of formal higher education qualifications is no longer required to take part in recruitment tests for the higher careers in the civil service.

Degrees concerned and corresponding levels of the Luxembourg Qualifications Framework (CLQ)

Only the degrees listed in the legal texts setting up automatic recognition are automatically recognised (see table below). These are therefore degrees awarded since the implementation of the Bologna Process. They must be awarded by a higher education institution recognised in the country in which the diploma is issued, and upon completion of a recognised study programme of initial training (continuing education courses leading to an academic degree are excluded).

In the case of Belgian and Dutch degrees only, the Benelux Decisions M(2015)3 and M(2018)1 also provide for automatic recognition for those degrees which, although awarded before the implementation of the Bologna Process, are subject to a formal and legally binding correspondence with a current academic degree (see ‘Old academic degrees’).

Doctoral/PhD diplomas:

These are diplomas awarded after completion of third cycle studies and defence of a thesis. The terms ‘doctor’ or ‘doctorate’ alone do not imply automatic recognition at CLQ level 8. Only the academic level as defined by the competent authorities of the issuing State applies. The former degrees of Docteur en médecine, Docteur en médecine vétérinaire and Docteur en médecine, chirurgie et accouchements, issued in the French Community of Belgium after the conclusion of basic studies, correspond to level 7 (see section ‘Old academic degrees’).






Flemish Community of Belgium





French community of Belgium

Brevet d’enseignement supérieur 




Médecin vétérinaire


German-speaking community of Belgium

not applicable

Diplom Bachelor

not applicable

non applicable


Graad Associate degree

Graad Bachelor
(incl: Bachelor of Arts; Bachelor of Science)
Graad Master
(incl: Master of Arts; Master of Science)
Graad Doctor
(incl.: Doctor of Philosophy)
Estonia not applicable Rakenduskõrghariduse diplom







Tehnikateaduse magister

Haridusteaduse magister
Latvia Pirmā līmeņa

profesionālās augstākās

izglītības diploms
Bakalaura diploms

Profesionālā bakalaura diploms

Profesionālās augstākās izglītības diploms 
Maģistra diploms

Profesionālā maģistra diploms

Profesionālās augstākās izglītības diploms un profesionālās kvalifikācijas diploms (ārsta, zobārsta, farmaceita un veterinārārsta profesionālākvalifikācija) 
Doktora diploms

Profesionālā doktora

diploms mākslās
Lithuania not applicable Profesinis bakalauras

Magistras Mokslo daktaras

Meno daktaras
Luxembourg Brevet de technicien supérieur Diplôme de bachelor Diplôme de master

Doctorat (grade de docteur)

Diplôme d'études spécialisées en médecine

CLQ 5 6 7 8

1 The degrees of gegradueerde awarded before the academic year 2004-2005 correspond to the current Bachelor’s degree (see section ‘Old academic degrees‘).

The Luxembourg Diplôme d'études spécialisées en médecine is included in the table because it is automatically recognised in Luxembourg. However, recognition is not automatic in Belgium, the Netherlands, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Recognised training institutions

All degrees listed in the table above, awarded by higher education institutions listed on the following sites, are automatically recognised.

  • Flemish Community of Belgium – ‘Higher Education Register’ (EN) – ‘Hogeronderwijsregister’ (NL)
  • French Community of Belgium – ‘Cadastre des établissements d’enseignement supérieur reconnus par la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles’ (FR) – ‘Dans quel établissement étudier?’ (FR, EN)
  • German-speaking Community of Belgium
    Autonome Hochschule Ostbelgien (DE)
  • Netherlands – ‘CROHO – Centraal Register Opleidingen Hoger Onderwijs’ (NL)
    (the file can be downloaded in Excel or ASCII format)
  • Estonia – ‘Higher education institutions and study programmes’ (ET, EN)
  • Latvia – ‘Higher Education Institution’ (LV, EN)
    (since 2019) – ‘Institutions’ (LV)
    (2012 to 2019)
  • Lithuania – ‘Want to study’ (LT, EN)

Diplomas not covered by automatic recognition

Specialisation degrees from Belgium

The Benelux Decisions M(2015)3 and M(2018)1 and the Treaty of 14 September 2021 relate exclusively to diplomas awarded after completion of initial training. Therefore, some Belgian academic degrees, and in particular specialisation degrees, are omitted from automatic recognition. However, this exclusion is without prejudice, in itself, to possible recognition through the normal procedure for registration in the register of formal higher education qualifications. The list below gives an indication of some higher education qualifications not covered by automatic recognition:

  • Flemish Community of Belgium
    Schakelprogramma, bachelor na bachelor (ba-na-ba), master na master (ma-na-ma), Postgraduaat
  • French Community of Belgium
    Grade de spécialisation, Bachelier de spécialisation, Master complémentaire, Master de spécialisation

Old academic degrees from the Baltic States

The Treaty of 14 September 2021 refers exclusively to degrees awarded since the implementation of the Bologna Process. Old academic degrees from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, which are therefore not listed in the table above, can nevertheless be recognised through the normal procedure of entry in the register of formal higher education qualifications.

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